% 7.06 (**) Syntax checker for Ada identifiers (Difference lists) % A purely recursive syntax is: % % ::= % % ::= | % % ::= | '_' % % ::= | % identifier(Str) :- Str is a legal Ada identifier % (atom) (+) identifier(S) :- atom(S), atom_chars(S,L), identifier(L-[]). identifier([X|L]-R) :- char_type(X,alpha), rest(L-R). rest(T-T) :- !. rest(L-R) :- optional_underscore(L-L1), letter_or_digit(L1-L2), rest(L2-R). optional_underscore(['_'|R]-R) :- !. optional_underscore(T-T). letter_or_digit([X|R]-R) :- char_type(X,alpha), !. letter_or_digit([X|R]-R) :- char_type(X,digit). % This solution with difference lists is not more elegant as the % simple solution with ordinary lists (see p7_06.pl), because the % parsing is done by always removing just one or two characters % from the head of the list. Take this as an easy exercise!