% 7.01 (**) Eight queens problem % This is a classical problem in computer science. The objective is to % place eight queens on a chessboard so that no two queens are attacking % each other; i.e., no two queens are in the same row, the same column, % or on the same diagonal. We generalize this original problem by % allowing for an arbitrary dimension N of the chessboard. % We represent the positions of the queens as a list of numbers 1..N. % Example: [4,2,7,3,6,8,5,1] means that the queen in the first column % is in row 4, the queen in the second column is in row 2, etc. % By using the permutations of the numbers 1..N we guarantee that % no two queens are in the same row. The only test that remains % to be made is the diagonal test. A queen placed at column X and % row Y occupies two diagonals: one of them, with number C = X-Y, goes % from bottom-left to top-right, the other one, numbered D = X+Y, goes % from top-left to bottom-right. In the test predicate we keep track % of the already occupied diagonals in Cs and Ds. % The first version is a simple generate-and-test solution. % queens_1(N,Qs) :- Qs is a solution of the N-queens problem queens_1(N,Qs) :- range(1,N,Rs), permu(Rs,Qs), test(Qs). % range(A,B,L) :- L is the list of numbers A..B range(A,A,[A]). range(A,B,[A|L]) :- A < B, A1 is A+1, range(A1,B,L). % permu(Xs,Zs) :- the list Zs is a permutation of the list Xs permu([],[]). permu(Qs,[Y|Ys]) :- del(Y,Qs,Rs), permu(Rs,Ys). del(X,[X|Xs],Xs). del(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|Zs]) :- del(X,Ys,Zs). % test(Qs) :- the list Qs represents a non-attacking queens solution test(Qs) :- test(Qs,1,[],[]). % test(Qs,X,Cs,Ds) :- the queens in Qs, representing columns X to N, % are not in conflict with the diagonals Cs and Ds test([],_,_,_). test([Y|Ys],X,Cs,Ds) :- C is X-Y, \+ memberchk(C,Cs), D is X+Y, \+ memberchk(D,Ds), X1 is X + 1, test(Ys,X1,[C|Cs],[D|Ds]). %-------------------------------------------------------------- % Now, in version 2, the tester is pushed completely inside the % generator permu. queens_2(N,Qs) :- range(1,N,Rs), permu_test(Rs,Qs,1,[],[]). permu_test([],[],_,_,_). permu_test(Qs,[Y|Ys],X,Cs,Ds) :- del(Y,Qs,Rs), C is X-Y, \+ memberchk(C,Cs), D is X+Y, \+ memberchk(D,Ds), X1 is X+1, permu_test(Rs,Ys,X1,[C|Cs],[D|Ds]).