% 5.05 (*) Construct the bottom-up order sequence of the tree nodes % bottom_up(Tree,Seq) :- Seq is the bottom-up sequence of the nodes of % the multiway tree Tree. (+,?) bottom_up_f(t(X,F),Seq) :- bottom_up_f(F,SeqF), append(SeqF,[X],Seq). bottom_up_f([],[]). bottom_up_f([T|Ts],Seq):- bottom_up_f(T,SeqT), bottom_up_f(Ts,SeqTs), append(SeqT,SeqTs,Seq). % The predicate bottom_up/2 produces a stack overflow when called % in the (-,+) flow pattern. There are two problems with that. % First, the polymorphism does not work properly, because during % decomposing the string, the program cannot guess whether it should % construct a tree or a forest next. We can fix this using two % separate predicates bottom_up_tree/2 and bottom_up_forset/2. % Secondly, if we maintain the order of the subgoals, then % the interpreter falls into an endless loop after finding the % first solution. We can fix this by changing the order of the % goals as follows: bottom_up_tree(t(X,F),Seq) :- % (?,+) append(SeqF,[X],Seq), bottom_up_forest(F,SeqF). bottom_up_forest([],[]). bottom_up_forest([T|Ts],Seq):- append(SeqT,SeqTs,Seq), bottom_up_tree(T,SeqT), bottom_up_forest(Ts,SeqTs). % Unfortunately, this version doesn't run in both directions either. % In order to have a predicate which runs forward and backward, we % have to determine the flow pattern and then call one of the above % predicates, as follows: bottom_up(T,Seq) :- nonvar(T), !, bottom_up_f(T,Seq). bottom_up(T,Seq) :- nonvar(Seq), bottom_up_tree(T,Seq). % This is not very elegant, I agree.