% 4.17c (**) Preorder and inorder sequences of binary trees % If both the preorder sequence and the inorder sequence of % the nodes of a binary tree are given, then the tree is determined % unambiguously. :- ensure_loaded(p4_17b). % pre_in_tree(P,I,T) :- T is the binary tree that has the preorder % sequence P and inorder sequence I. % (atom,atom,tree) (+,+,?) pre_in_tree(P,I,T) :- preorder(T,P), inorder(T,I). % This is a nice application of the generate-and-test method. % We can push the tester inside the generator in order to get % a (much) better performance. pre_in_tree_push(P,I,T) :- atom_chars(P,PL), atom_chars(I,IL), pre_in_tree_pu(PL,IL,T). pre_in_tree_pu([],[],nil). pre_in_tree_pu([X|PL],IL,t(X,Left,Right)) :- append(ILeft,[X|IRight],IL), append(PLeft,PRight,PL), pre_in_tree_pu(PLeft,ILeft,Left), pre_in_tree_pu(PRight,IRight,Right). % Nice. But there is a still better solution. See problem d)!