% 4.11 (*) Collect the nodes of a binary tree at a given level in a list :- ensure_loaded(p4_01). % atlevel(T,D,S) :- S is the list of nodes of the binary tree T at level D % (i,i,o) atlevel(nil,_,[]). atlevel(t(X,_,_),1,[X]). atlevel(t(_,L,R),D,S) :- D > 1, D1 is D-1, atlevel(L,D1,SL), atlevel(R,D1,SR), append(SL,SR,S). % The following is a quick-and-dirty solution for the % level-order sequence levelorder(T,S) :- levelorder(T,S,1). levelorder(T,[],D) :- atlevel(T,D,[]), !. levelorder(T,S,D) :- atlevel(T,D,SD), D1 is D+1, levelorder(T,S1,D1), append(SD,S1,S).