% 4.10 (*) Collect the internal nodes of a binary tree in a list :- ensure_loaded(p4_01). % internals(T,S) :- S is the list of internal nodes of the binary tree T. internals(nil,[]). internals(t(_,nil,nil),[]). internals(t(X,L,nil),[X|S]) :- L = t(_,_,_), internals(L,S). internals(t(X,nil,R),[X|S]) :- R = t(_,_,_), internals(R,S). internals(t(X,L,R),[X|S]) :- L = t(_,_,_), R = t(_,_,_), internals(L,SL), internals(R,SR), append(SL,SR,S). % The above solution works in the flow patterns (i,o) and (i,i) % without cut and produces a single correct result. Using a cut % we can obtain the same result in a much shorter program, like this: internals1(nil,[]). internals1(t(_,nil,nil),[]) :- !. internals1(t(X,L,R),[X|S]) :- internals1(L,SL), internals1(R,SR), append(SL,SR,S). % For the flow pattern (o,i) there is the following very % elegant solution: internals2(nil,[]). internals2(t(X,L,R),[X|S]) :- append(SL,SR,S), internals2(L,SL), internals2(R,SR).