% (***) 3.05 Huffman code % We suppose a set of symbols with their frequencies, given as a list % of fr(S,F) terms. % Example: [fr(a,45),fr(b,13),fr(c,12),fr(d,16),fr(e,9),fr(f,5)]. % Our objective is to construct a list hc(S,C) terms, where C is the Huffman % code word for the symbol S. In our example the result could be % [hc(a, '0'), hc(b, '101'), hc(c, '100'), hc(d, '111'), hc(e, '1101'), % hc(f, '1100')] % The task shall be performed by the predicate huffman/2 defined as follows: % huffman(Fs,Hs) :- Hs is the Huffman code table for the frequency table Fs % (list-of-fr/2-terms, list-of-hc/2-terms) (+,-). % During the construction process, we need nodes n(F,S) where, at the % beginning, F is a frequency and S a symbol. During the process, as n(F,S) % becomes an internal node, S becomes a term s(L,R) with L and R being % again n(F,S) terms. A list of n(F,S) terms, called Ns, is maintained % as a sort of priority queue. huffman(Fs,Cs) :- initialize(Fs,Ns), make_tree(Ns,T), traverse_tree(T,Cs). initialize(Fs,Ns) :- init(Fs,NsU), sort(NsU,Ns). init([],[]). init([fr(S,F)|Fs],[n(F,S)|Ns]) :- init(Fs,Ns). make_tree([T],T). make_tree([n(F1,X1),n(F2,X2)|Ns],T) :- F is F1+F2, insert(n(F,s(n(F1,X1),n(F2,X2))),Ns,NsR), make_tree(NsR,T). % insert(n(F,X),Ns,NsR) :- insert the node n(F,X) into Ns such that the % resulting list NsR is again sorted with respect to the frequency F. insert(N,[],[N]) :- !. insert(n(F,X),[n(F0,Y)|Ns],[n(F,X),n(F0,Y)|Ns]) :- F < F0, !. insert(n(F,X),[n(F0,Y)|Ns],[n(F0,Y)|Ns1]) :- F >= F0, insert(n(F,X),Ns,Ns1). % traverse_tree(T,Cs) :- traverse the tree T and construct the Huffman % code table Cs, traverse_tree(T,Cs) :- traverse_tree(T,'',Cs1-[]), sort(Cs1,Cs). traverse_tree(n(_,A),Code,[hc(A,Code)|Cs]-Cs) :- atom(A). % leaf node traverse_tree(n(_,s(Left,Right)),Code,Cs1-Cs3) :- % internal node atom_concat(Code,'0',CodeLeft), atom_concat(Code,'1',CodeRight), traverse_tree(Left,CodeLeft,Cs1-Cs2), traverse_tree(Right,CodeRight,Cs2-Cs3). % The following predicate gives some statistical information. huffman(Fs) :- huffman(Fs,Hs) , nl, report(Hs,5), stats(Fs,Hs). report([],_) :- !, nl, nl. report(Hs,0) :- !, nl, report(Hs,5). report([hc(S,C)|Hs],N) :- N > 0, N1 is N-1, writef('%w %8l ',[S,C]), report(Hs,N1). stats(Fs,Cs) :- sort(Fs,FsS), sort(Cs,CsS), stats(FsS,CsS,0,0). stats([],[],FreqCodeSum,FreqSum) :- Avg is FreqCodeSum/FreqSum, writef('Average code length (weighted) = %w\n',[Avg]). stats([fr(S,F)|Fs],[hc(S,C)|Hs],FCS,FS) :- atom_chars(C,CharList), length(CharList,N), FCS1 is FCS + F*N, FS1 is FS + F, stats(Fs,Hs,FCS1,FS1).