% (**) 3.04 Gray codes % gray(N,C) :- C is the N-bit Gray code gray(1,['0','1']). gray(N,C) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, gray(N1,C1), reverse(C1,C2), prepend('0',C1,C1P), prepend('1',C2,C2P), append(C1P,C2P,C). prepend(_,[],[]) :- !. prepend(X,[C|Cs],[CP|CPs]) :- atom_concat(X,C,CP), prepend(X,Cs,CPs). % This gives a nice example for the result caching technique: :- dynamic gray_c/2. gray_c(1,['0','1']) :- !. gray_c(N,C) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, gray_c(N1,C1), reverse(C1,C2), prepend('0',C1,C1P), prepend('1',C2,C2P), append(C1P,C2P,C), asserta((gray_c(N,C) :- !)). % Try the following goal sequence and see what happens: % ?- [p3_04]. % ?- listing(gray_c/2). % ?- gray_c(5,C). % ?- listing(gray_c/2). % There is an alternative definition for the gray code construction: gray_alt(1,['0','1']). gray_alt(N,C) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, gray_alt(N1,C1), postpend(['0','1'],C1,C). postpend(_,[],[]). postpend(P,[C|Cs],[C1P,C2P|CsP]) :- P = [P1,P2], atom_concat(C,P1,C1P), atom_concat(C,P2,C2P), reverse(P,PR), postpend(PR,Cs,CsP).