% 2.05 (**) Goldbach's conjecture. % Goldbach's conjecture says that every positive even number greater % than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers. Example: 28 = 5 + 23. :- ensure_loaded(p2_01). % goldbach(N,L) :- L is the list of the two prime numbers that % sum up to the given N (which must be even). % (integer,integer) (+,-) goldbach(4,[2,2]) :- !. goldbach(N,L) :- N mod 2 =:= 0, N > 4, goldbach(N,L,3). goldbach(N,[P,Q],P) :- Q is N - P, is_prime(Q), !. goldbach(N,L,P) :- P < N, next_prime(P,P1), goldbach(N,L,P1). next_prime(P,P1) :- P1 is P + 2, is_prime(P1), !. next_prime(P,P1) :- P2 is P + 2, next_prime(P2,P1).