% 1.11 (*): Modified run-length encoding % encode_modified(L1,L2) :- the list L2 is obtained from the list L1 by % run-length encoding. Consecutive duplicates of elements are encoded % as terms [N,E], where N is the number of duplicates of the element E. % However, if N equals 1 then the element is simply copied into the % output list. % (list,list) (+,?) :- ensure_loaded(p1_10). encode_modified(L1,L2) :- encode(L1,L), strip(L,L2). strip([],[]). strip([[1,X]|Ys],[X|Zs]) :- strip(Ys,Zs). strip([[N,X]|Ys],[[N,X]|Zs]) :- N > 1, strip(Ys,Zs).